1 Mar 2024

ED&I is about embracing people’s differences, including their beliefs, abilities, preferences, backgrounds, values, and identities. Inclusion is an extension of equality and diversity. It means that all people, without exception, have the right to be included, respected, and appreciated as valuable members of the community.

ED&I is important to us and this report provides details of some of the actions that we have taken over the last year to deliver our commitments.


Our commitments

Actions against our commitments

Information about our customers

We have continued to update information to assist us in knowing about our customers and their needs – please see ED&I and our customers heading below.


Customers have been involved in the redesign of our website

Service delivery

Equality Impact Assessments are being undertaken for all new revised policies and strategies.

Services have been co-designed with customers, for example our repairs on demand service and MyAcis.

Engagement and involvement

Customers are involved in co-designing our new Your Voice digital platform.

Our people

Gender pay gap information has been collated and analysed.

Job advertisements have included a statement demonstrating our intent to positively recruit from under-represented groups.

Interviews have been guaranteed for those with disabilities who demonstrate minimum competence levels for opportunities available.

Our Board

A programme of development opportunities is in place supported by the Housing Diversity Network.

Diversity of thought has been a consideration of recruitment campaigns.

Our premises and workplaces

Workplace audits are being undertaken that accord with ISO45001 requirements.

Role-based risk assessments and occupational health-based adjustments are being undertaken where required.

 Awareness raising

Equality in Our Workplace course has been undertaken by Acis people.

ED&I is a standard team meeting agenda item.

Awareness questionnaire has been completed by 185 Acis people.

Board member awareness session was delivered by the Housing Diversity Network.

 Investment in homes

In 2023 we completed 117 adaptation jobs and approved 84 DFG applications with different local authorities.

Contractors and suppliers

Our revised Procurement Strategy commits to enabling Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, including supplier diversity.

Harassment, victimization and discrimination

Reported instances (harassment 17, hate crime three) have been recorded, investigated, and resolutions sought.

Network of information and support

We have participated in the Housing Quality Network Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Network.

Measuring and reporting

There has been a six monthly report to the board, including our ED&I measures.


ED&I and our customers

We have continued to update information to assist us in knowing about our customers and their needs. However, there is still a lot that we don’t know, and we’re asking you to tell us more.


We understand that the sharing of personal information can be a matter of sensitivity but, if customers share their details, it enables us to consider actions we may need to take to make our services work better for everyone. We are not being nosey and we will only ask for personal information to help improve our service.


We can assure you that your personal information is handled with care and always stored securely.


The personal information sought is relatively basic – gender, ethnicity, age group, disability, maybe your sexuality. It’s not unusual for service providers like Acis to want to know this information and use it positively.

If you have any questions then please get in touch today or through MyAcis, over the phone 0800 027 2057, or via email: info@acisgroup.co.uk.

ED&I and our Board

Three new Board members were appointed in 2023.


Acis is a complex and changing organisation and all Board members are appointed after consideration of how they can meet governance requirements and demands. The Board has skills, attributes, and experience in the following areas: accountancy and financial management, audit, education and training, community enterprise and investment, housing and property management, procurement, and project management.


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