Tracking how we perform

It’s important that we track how we perform to see how we can improve. 

We track our performance against a set of key indicators and publish the results regularly, particularly through our Annual Reports.  

Our 2022/23 data shows:

  • Overall customer satisfaction is 76%.
  • 86% of our customers say our homes and services provide good value for money.
  • 81% of our customers were satisfied with repairs received in the last 12 months.
  • Over 95% of our customers sustain their tenancy for over 12 months.
  • Every single one of our homes is officially Gas Safe. 
  • We reduced our rent arrears to 2.7%.
  • We invested over £14m to provide new affordable homes, taking handover of 100 much-needed homes in our communities, including 56 for rent, 33 for shared ownership and 11 for sale. 
  • We invested over £8m in our existing housing stock.
  • We received almost £1.5m in external income, enabling us to work with over 4,000 people and support 1,485 people within our communities providing a range of interventions.

Our Environmental, Social and Governance report 2022/2023

What do you think about our performance?

We can only improve if people tell us about their own experiences. We have a range of ways for people to get involved and have their say through our Your Voice activities.

Lady in front of company ethics