Welcome to Market Rasen House

We're thrilled to announce our plans to update and transform Market Rasen House, the stables and the surrounding green areas. And we believe this project has great potential to create something special for the local community. 

We're still in the planning stages for the stables and green space. And we want to know what you'd like to see at Market Rasen House. See below for more information about our plans.

Where is Market Rasen House?


Market Rasen House, also known as 'The Grange', has been a Grade II listed building since 1984. For over 60 years, it provided accommodation for young people and adults in need.

The house was built in 1891 for Dr. George Barton. It was a large brick house with stables and a garden. The Barton family lived there until they sold it to the local council in 1950, who converted it into a children's home. They changed the interior to fit more rooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen to serve 21 children between the ages of 3 and 18. 

In 1995, Axiom Housing acquired The Grange and did extensive renovations, including a two-storey extension. It was transformed into a 25-bedroom home which supported young people between 16 and 25 years old. Initially called the Grange Foyer, it later became known as The Foyer after further refurbishments funded by the National Lottery between 2002 and 2007.

But, as funding for the services reduced and a new care model for young adults was implemented by the local social care team, The Foyer eventually closed. Since then, the building has been boarded up and remains empty.

Until now!

Restoring the Grange

We're thrilled to announce our plans to update and transform Market Rasen House. 

We're hoping to create 10 apartments that will cater specifically for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and those who are autistic.

We'd love to provide opportunities for people to care for animals and get involved in horticultural activities like growing and caring for plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, or herbs in the gardens. This space will be open to everyone, allowing everyone to be involved.

CGI of inside a conservatory style room looking out a lavender garden.

Get involved!

But we're still in the planning stages for the stables and green space. And we want to know what you'd like to see at Market Rasen House.

As Market Rasen House will be a community space, we value the input of people in Market Rasen to help us develop these plans. We hosted a drop in event on Monday 25 September 2023 for the community to share their thoughts and ideas. 

There is still chance to have your say. Head to our survey to let us know what you think we should and could do with the stables and green space at Market Rasen House.

Together, we can create a space that brings joy, opportunities and a positive impact to our community. Let's make Market Rasen House a place we can all be proud of!